Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cocaine Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Cocaine - Research Paper Example Cocaine use is higher in the adults aged between 18 and 25 years compared to other age groups, with cocaine use in the past month being reported by 1.5 percent young adults (NIDA, 2010). Also, cocaine use is more common in men as compared to women. The annual Monitoring and Future survey in 2009 surveyed drug use and teen attitudes, reporting a considerable reduction in the 30-day powder cocaine use prevalence among children in the 8th, 10th, and 12th grades than they were in the late 1990s (NIDA, 2010). Repeated use of cocaine leads to addiction as well as other health consequences. NSDUH reported in 2008 that as many as 1.4 million Americans complied with the criteria set by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for abuse of cocaine or dependence on it within the previous year (NIDA, 2010). In addition to that, the 2008 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) noted the involvement of cocaine in 482,188 of up to 2 million cases of drug abuse or misuse in the emergency departments (NIDA, 2010). This can be interpreted as one in four cases of drug abuse or misuse involving cocaine reported in the emergency department visits. Cocaine causes high addiction. It is almost impossible for an individual using cocaine to be able to control or predict the extent to which they will use it. The risk of relapse upon addiction is very high even if the individual experiences long periods of abstinence from the drug. Memory of exposure to or experience of cocaine during the periods of abstinence can trigger immense craving for the drug. Withdrawal symptoms of cocaine include but are not limited to restless behavior, agitation, fatigue, depression, generalized malaise, slowing of activity, increased appetite, unpleasant dreams and nausea (NIH, 2014). The individual can experience depression and craving for several months after cessation of heavy use of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Entitlements Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Entitlements - Research Paper Example 95). Reaching a total of $2.16 trillion, table below summarizes the most recently projected U.S. non-discretionary spending on mandatory programs and the amount of annual expenditure of each program FY 2011. Others: Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation, Child Nutrition, Tax Credits, Income Support Program, Crop Insurance or agricultural subsidies, Supplemental Security for the Disabled, and Student Loans. The most significant discretionary spending of the U.S. government is allocated for defense budget. Estimated by Donald M. Snow – a professor at the University of Alabama, approximately 58 percent of the total discretionary funding or 15 percent of the annual federal budget is spent on defense (Kennedy, 2010). Unlike the mandatory or non-discretionary expenditures, discretionary budget that is being allocated for Congress is controllable. It means that the Congress can decide whether or not to spend a portion of discretionary budget on certain projects. It is unfortunate to learn that two-thirds or almost 67% of the total federal budget has to be allocated for non-discretionary or mandatory expenditure (Kennedy, 2010). According to Kennedy (2010), the Veteran’s Health Administration is already serving the pension and health care needs of more than 8 million veterans. Given the amount of non-discretionary expenditure (2/3 of federal fund) with the amount of discretionary expenditure (1/3 of federal fund), it is clear that the U.S. government should strictly avoid getting involve in the war between Iraq and Afghanistan to control the increasing number of Veterans that is entitled to receive not only pension but also health care support. By doing so, the large number of veterans that is currently being financially supported by the U.S. government through entitlements can be controlled. Likewise, the U.S. government can also be free from having to spend a significant portion of the federal fund on defense budget. On top of the $5.5 billion

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Outline of the clinical characteristics of depression

Outline of the clinical characteristics of depression The formal diagnosis of major depression requires five of the following symptoms and evidence of serious distress or failure to function in everyday life. The following symptoms must be present for most of the time over a minimum period of two weeks. Symptoms of depression Sad depressed mood and feeling or behaving sad and empty Loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities Difficulty in sleeping ( insomnia or hypersomnia ) Lethargic or agitated Appetite ( loss so weight loss or increased so weight gain ) Loss of energy or great fatigue Negative self concept feeling of worthlessness and guilt. Difficulty in concentrating ( slowed thinking or indecisiveness ) Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. Give two or more psychological causes of depression Cognitive Views about the worldPsychologist Aaron Beck suggested depression is the result of negative thinking and catastrophising which he called cognitive errors. (Beck 1991) maintained there are three components to depression which he called the cognitive triad. The cognitive triad. Views about oneself Views about the future As the cognitive triad components interact they interfere with normal cognitive processing which then leads to impairments in perception, memory and problem solving, the person then becomes obsessed with negative thoughts. In addition to the cognitive triad beck believed that depression prone individuals develop a negative self schema which means they possess a set of beliefs and expectations about themselves that are negative and pessimistic, which leads on to feeling and symptoms of depression. Negative self schemas can be acquired in childhood as a result of a traumatic event such as the death of a parent or sibling, parental rejection, bulling at home or school for example. People with negative self schemas become prone to making logical errors in their thinking and they tend to focus selectively on certain aspects of a situation while ignoring equally relevant information this is called cognitive distortions. An example of a cognitive distortion is someone believing that someone is whispering about them and they automatically assume it must be bad, ignoring the fact they could be whispering something good. Cognitive distortions include the following Arbitrary interference: drawing conclusions on the basis of sufficient or irrelevant evidence for example thinking you are worthless because a show you were going too was cancelled. Selective abstraction : focusing on a single aspect of a situation and ignoring others for example you feel responsible for your netball team losing a game even though your just one player on the team. Over generalisation: making a sweeping conclusion on the basis of a single event. Failing an exam, this means you will fail all exams and that you are stupid. Magnification and minimisation: exaggerating or underplaying the significant of an event for example you scratch the paint work on your car and therefore see yourself as a terrible driver. Personalisation: This is attributing the negative feelings of others to yourself for example your friend enters the room looking upset; you believe you must have upset her. Beck also suggested that that there individual differences that determine the type of event that can trigger depression for example sociotrapic personalities base their self esteem on the approval of others where as an autonomous person would react badly to their independence being challenged. The cognitive theory is one of the most influential models that explain negative thought processes. It explains that our emotional reaction seems to come from how we interpret and predict the world around us. The main problem with the cognitive approach to depression is that the theory is correlational, and that the argument is a circular one. Does depression cause negative thinking, or does negative thinking cause depression? Also it is a theory which is hard to test and research people seeking help for depression already have negative emotions and so it is not possible to access their cognitive process prior to the onset of the disorder. Secondly when participants are tested in research they are often already on drugs to manage the depression which could affect the result of the study. Finally thoughts are subjective experiences that are hard to test and measure which make proving the theory extremely difficult. A positive of the cognitive approach to depression is that it has many useful applications and has contributed to our understanding of human phenomenon and it has integrated well with other approaches. The psychodynamic explanation of the causes of depression The psychodynamic approach to understanding depression focuses on how the unconscious motives drive our behaviours and experiences. Freud explanation of depression lies in the early relationships with are parents, he noted that there is a similarity between grieving for a loved one and the symptoms of depression. Freud described depression as an excessive and irrational grief which occurs as a reaction to a loss, this loss evokes feelings associated with real or imagined affection from the person on whom the person was most dependants as a child. Both actual and symbolic losses lead us to re experience parts of our childhood, thus people with depression become clingy, dependant and can even regress to a child like state. Evaluate psychodynamic therapy in the treatment of depression In support of the psychodynamic theory people with depression do show dependant like behaviours as they often feel that they cannot manage everyday activities and rely heavily on others. In support of Freud theory on depression and understanding depression from the psychodynamic approach is Harlows research on privation conducted on rhesus monkeys separated from their mothers at birth, using surrogate mothers, a wire mother and a cloth mother he demonstrated that a mothers love was essential for a persons mental health. The experiment showed that infant monkeys separated from their mothers displayed signs of depression. In support of the psychodynamic approach to depression and frauds theories this approach is idiographic and so focuses on the individual. This means that the individuals problems are taken into account and they are not just diagnosed on the bias of others. A negative point on the psychodynamic theory is there is little experimental evidence for Frauds theories as most of his work was based upon case studies, this makes the approach highly subjective and un-testable as his finding were often biased to fit his theories, second to this frauds theory is often characterised as unscientific as it is difficult to observe and measure concepts such as actual and symbolic losses and regression. Also the case studies used to test Freuds psychodynamic theory were mainly middle aged, upper class, Austrian women. This means that his findings cannot be generalised to the wider population. This is also a problem as he developed his ideas on childhood from adults talking retrospectively of their pasts which is a problem because people recall information differently and memory and feelings fade. The ethical implications of psychodynamic therapy Directive therapy- due to the unconscious cause of the psychological problems and the resistance patients put up to the unconscious truths, the patient must trust the therapists interpretation and instructions. However psychoanalysis does occur under voluntary conditions. Psychoanalysis can be quite anxiety provoking as it can reveal disturbing repressed experiences. It is a humane form of treatment as it does not blame or judge the patient, who is not responsible for their problems. Outline the clinical characteristics of schizophrenia There are positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia Positive symptoms are things additional to expected behaviour and include delusions, hallucinations, agitation and talkativeness. Negative symptoms which are things missing from expected behaviour, negative symptoms include a lack of motivation , social withdrawal , flattened affect, cognitive disturbances, poor personal hygiene and poor speech. Other characteristics of schizophrenia include- Auditory or visual hallucinations Flat emotions Delusions Disorganised speech Catatonic or disorganised behaviour Give two or more psychological explanations of schizophrenia Cognitive explanation for schizophrenia Cognitive explanations for schizophrenia acknowledge the role of biological factors such as genetic causes and a change of brain activity for the cause of initial sensory experiences of schizophrenia. However further features of the disorder appear as the individual attempts to understand them. The cognitive approach also suggests that schizophrenia is characterised by profound thought disturbance, this could be down to cognitive defects which can impair areas such as perception and memory. This could form cognitive biases and explain misconceptions and the way schizophrenia sufferers interpret there world. Schizophrenics normally first discover symptoms of voices and abnormal sensory experiences , this normally leads them to a friend or family member to confirm the experience when the experience is not confirmed this can lead to rejection of support. This leads to a belief that people around them are hiding the truth and the person with schizophrenia believes they are being manipula ted and persecuted. This shows the basis of schizophrenia is biology based however other symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions are formed after the failure to not except there reality these of which are cognitive. In support of the cognitive approach to schizophrenia Firth (1979) proposes that disruption to an attention filter mechanism could result in the thought disturbances of schizophrenia, as the sufferer is overloaded with sensory information. Studies on continuous performance and eye tracking tasks indicate schizophrenics do show more attentional problems than non schizophrenics. This means that perhaps reduced short term memory capacity could account for some schizophrenics cognitive distractibility. Hemsley (1993) suggested schizophrenics cannot distinguish between information that is already stored and new incoming information. As a result, schizophrenics are subject to sensory overload and do not know which aspect of a situation to attended to and which to ignore. One strength of the cognitive explanation when describing schizophrenia is that there is further support for this theory provided by Myer-Lindenberg ( 2002) they found a link between poor working memory ( which is typical of schizophrenics ) and reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex. Furthermore Schielke (2002) studied a patient who developed continuous auditory hallucinations as a consequence of an abscess in the dorsal pons. This suggests that there is wider academic credibility for the link between biological and cognitive factors causing schizophrenia. A second strength of the cognitive explanation of schizophrenia is that it takes on board the nurture approach to the development of schizophrenia. For example it suggests that schizophrenic behaviour is the cause of environmental factors such as cognitive factors. A weakness of the cognitive explanation is that there are problems with cause and effect. Cognitive approaches do not explain the causes of cognitive defects -where they come from in the first place. Is it the cognitive defects which cause schizophrenia behaviour or is it the schizophrenia that causes cognitive defects. A second weakness of the cognitive model is that it is reductionist the approach does not consider other factors such as genes. This suggests that the cognitive approach over simplifies the explanation of schizophrenia. The behavioural explanation of schizophrenia. The behavioural explanation suggests that schizophrenia is a consequence of faulty learning children who do not receive small amounts of reinforcement early in their lives will put larger attention into irrelevant environmental cues, for example: Taking attention to the sound of a word rather than its actual meaning. This behaviour will eventually appear weird or strange to others so will generally be avoided. Strange behaviours may be rewarded by attention and sympathy and so they are reinforced. This can continue until the behaviour becomes so strange that the person is then labelled as schizophrenic. Eventually the behaviour and psychological state deteriorates into a psychotic state. Evaluate cognitive behavioural therapies in the treatment of schizophrenia in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. The misinterpretation of events in the world is common in schizophrenia. Using cognitive therapy with schizophrenia requires the psychologist to accept that the cognitive distortions and disorganized thinking of schizophrenia are produced, at least in part, by a biological problem that will not cease simply because the correct interpretation of reality is explained to the client. Cognitive therapy can only be successful if the psychologist accepts the clients perception of reality, and determines how to use this misperception to assist the client in correctly managing life problems.   The goal is to help the client use information from the world (other people, perceptions of events, etc.) to make adaptive coping decisions. The treatment goal, for the cognitive therapist, is not to cure schizophrenia, but to improve the clients ability to manage life problems, to function independently, and to be free of extreme distress and other psychological symptoms. Advantages It directly challenges the problem and attempts a cure of the under lying symptoms. It gives the person some control over their own illness. Research has shown cognitive behavioural therapy can be as effective as medication Due to its highly structured nature cognitive behavioural therapy can be provided in a number of formats such as soft ware and self help books. Disadvantages In order to benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy you need to ensure you give a considerable amount of commitment which people with schizophrenia can lack. It could be argued that because cognitive behavioural therapy only addresses current problems it does not address underlying causes of the condition. Discuss the ethics of cognitive behavioural therapy Directive therapy due to the environmental determinism of behavioural problems, patients need to be re programmed with adaptive behaviour. Stressful can be painful and disturbing e.g. flooding and aversion therapy Humane specific maladaptive behaviours are targeted the whole person is not labelled. Outline the characteristics of anorexia Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height. Intense fear of gaining weight Disturbance in the way in which ones body weight or shape is experienced, denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight. Absents of three consecutive periods. Socially withdrawn Refusal to eat despite hunger Give two or more psychological explanations of eating disorders Cognitive explanation of anorexia Cognitive psychologist has suggested that irrational attitudes and beliefs and distorted perception are involved in eating disorders. These beliefs normally concern unrealistic ideals or perception of body shape or irrational attitudes towards eating habits and dieting. For example: the disinhibition hypothesis once a diet has been broken one might as well break it completely by bingeing. Cognitive researchers have also proposed that suffers of anorexia are seeking to assert control over their life to an excessive idealistic extent. Bemis- Vitousek and Orimoto (1993) pointed out the kind of faulty cognitions that are typical in people with anorexia. For example: a common cognition is that dieting is a means of self control, but at the same time most people with anorexia are aware they are out of control because they cant stop dieting, even when it is threatening there life. These are faulty cognitions and maladaptive ways of thinking. The main problem with the cognitive explanation is that the theory is correlational and the argument is a circular one does negative thinking cause the eating disorder or does the eating disorder cause the negative thinking. Secondly the thoughts that are related to having an eating disorder are subjective experiences that are hard to test and measure, Also people seeking help for an eating disorder are already have negative emotions so it is not possible to test their cognitive processes prior to the onset of the disorder. Psychodynamic explanation of anorexia One view of the psychodynamic model of anorexia proposes that anorexia reflects an unconscious desire by a girl to stay pre-pubescent. Over dependence on parents may result in the adolescent fearing sexual maturity and independence. Bruch (1974) regarded anorectics as being in a struggle for control and their own identity, the pursuit of thinness was seen as a critical part of such a struggle. Bruch considered that there were two main characteristics of parents that made the development of anorexia more likely in their children. Firstly an over concern with food and secondly family relationships that did not assist the child in developing their own sense of identity particularly important was considered to be girls feeling that their needs were secondary to their mothers. The psychodynamic approach in relation to eating disorders is idiographic and so it focuses on the individual. This means the individuals problems are taken into account and they are not just diagnosed on the basis of others. There is little evidence for Freuds theories on eating disorders it is all based on feeling rather than hard evidence. All his case studies were a mainly middle aged, Austrian woman which means his findings cannot be generalised to the wider population. However Freuds idea that the anorexics refusal to eat was an unconscious denial of the adult role and they wished to remain a child. The timing of onset in anorexia and the loss of menstruation supports this idea. Evaluate behavioural therapy in the treatment of eating disorders. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common type of treatment for eating disorders. This branch of psychotherapy aims to help break large problems or situations into smaller more manageable parts and treats eating disorders in this same way. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that is based on the idea that all thoughts (cognition) and actions (behaviors) are related. This may not always be clear, so CBT aims to help individuals break down problems or situations into more manageable parts and examine the ways in which thoughts, emotions and actions were related in each other. Cognitive behavioral therapy allows individuals to examine the relationships between their thoughts, feelings and actions and in doing so allows individuals to understand that if they change the way that they think and feel, they will change the way that they act. For individuals suffering from eating disorders, understanding the relationships between thoughts, emotions and actions is highly important. Once these relationships are understood, the individual suffering from an eating disorder can replace the negative thoughts and emotions which have led to abnormal food and eating behaviors and with more positive thoughts and emotions that will lead back towards a healthy lifestyle. However, in order for these relationships to be clear, it may take several weeks of tracking tho ughts, feelings and food and eating behaviors before the individual will accept this proof. Often therapists will ask individuals to keep a journal or food diary in order to more accurately record their thoughts, feelings and actions towards food and eating during a given period of time. Discuss the ethics of behavioural therapy Behavioural therapy can induce a high level of anxiety which could be considered unethical Directive therapy due to the environmental determinism of behavioural problems; patients need to be re programmed with adaptive behaviour. Stressful can be painful and disturbing e.g. flooding and aversion therapy Humane specific maladaptive behaviours are targeted the whole person is not labelled.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Creation of the American Democracy Essays -- American America Hist

The Creation of the American Democracy When the Framers of the Constitution met in Philadelphia, they came together with one common purpose in mind. They needed to form a fair and solid system of government that would stand the test of time; one that was both fair for the people and would not involve a monarchy. Each of these men had their own ideas on what would constitute this system, however, so many compromises had to be made. Together, the men gathered in Philadelphia created a federal system of government and drafted a constitution outlining this government. They took care in developing three branches of federal government with a system of checks and balances so that no one branch would gain too much power, thus avoiding any chance of regressing back into the government from which they had just escaped. The Framers even made sure that the most powerful branch had a check system within itself by creating a bicameral legislature, consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives which could not function one w ithout the other. The federal government that resulted from all of this deliberation was an overall system of democracy, although some undemocratic issues were involved. The American system of government is ultimately a democracy, because it is ultimately a true system of the people. However, not everything done at the Constitutional Convention was democratic. When representatives from the states met in Philadelphia, the majority were rich, educated, upper-class landowners. They claimed to have the best interests of the people in mind, and in most cases they did. That was, after all, the reason they were brought together. However, they still took some measures to ensure that the interests of the comm... ...te, and/or country. For this reason, the Electoral College system of electing our President should be redone and possibly eliminated. A leader must have the support of his country, and this can be assured only through a democratic election. The Bill of Rights is perhaps the best example of the democratic aspects of our government. It gives everyone equal freedoms and liberties, and it is truly in the best interests of everyone. When the Framers of the Constitution met in Philadelphia, they gathered to create a democratic government: a government that worked for everyone and had the common interests of the people as its central purpose. Although some things done at the convention were indeed undemocratic, democracy ultimately prevailed and we were given a strong government with the ability to be amended to fit the common interests of the people throughout time.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Parliamentary vs Presidential Systems

The statement â€Å"The constraints imposed on a Prime Minister are greater than those imposed on a President. Therefore, a parliamentary system is more democratic than a presidential system†, makes a broad claim to which I agree. While Prime Ministers and Presidents are similar in some ways such as their responsibilities to do the best that they can for their nations, they also differ in many ways. These differences include separation of powers, the systems having different heads of state, and different election processes.Each of these examples contribute to the difference in constraints imposed on presidents and prime ministers and therefore contribute to the level of democracy within each system. A parliamentary system is â€Å"a system of governing in which there is a close interrelationship between the political executive (prime minister and Cabinet) and Parliament (the legislative or law-making body)† (Mintz, Close, and Croci 338), while a presidential system is d efined as â€Å"a system of governing in which the president and Congress each separately derive their authority from being elected by the people and have a fixed term of office† (363).Firstly, residential and parliamentary systems have different individuals as head of state and head of government (342). Presidents and prime ministers are considered to be heads of government, but while presidents are also heads of State, prime ministers are not. The head of state in a parliamentary system is symbolic, and â€Å"carries out a variety of official functions but is expected to be ‘above’ politics and thus is not usually involved in making governing for a country† (342).For example, in Canada the governor general, as a representative of the Queen, holds the role of head of state on a federal level, and the lieutenant-governors hold it on a provincial level. While these individuals do not have power in terms of law-making procedures and are not involved in elect ions or politics in general, the governor general does hold certain responsibilities and powers.The governor general is responsible for ensuring that a government is in place at all times and must approve of all legislation, but he/she also has certain powers that are higher in importance. The governor general can use personal discretion in situations such as the appointment and dismissal of the prime minister, and the dissolution of parliament or prorogation of parliament (343-344). On the other hand,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marijuana Debate

Erica Del Vigna Coms 2 Negative Outline Proposition: The state of California should legalize marijuana. I. Introduction Thesis: Though I agree that marijuana should be put into a controlled environment, I believe it should not be legalized due to its poor health attributes, and its negative influence towards the youth and drug users. Preview: I will be explaining today why the affirmatives plan does will not work as a sufficient plan in California. I will start by refuting his claims that marijuana is not a gateway drug. I will also explain the future harm that legalizing this drug could do to the youth of our state.Finally, I will connect the link on drug users to criminals. Overall this drug does not benefit our future generations socially or for their health. According to Scripps Alcohol and Treatment Center in California, â€Å"we have yet to see a patient come through here who doesn’t attribute his addiction to having started with marijuana as a gateway drug†. II. Body A. Ills and significance refutation 1. The affirmative claims that marijuana is not a gateway drug, which is the farthest from the truth. Most people who are in a treatment center started off by occasionally using marijuana.As I stated in my previous quote from the Scripps alcohol center, most addicts blame their addiction habits to starting with a gateway drug like marijuana or alcohol. The clinician who was interviewed stated that society realizes the real dangers of marijuana as a gateway drug. Even though in 1996, medical marijuana was passed by California voters with Proposition 215 by a 56 % passing rate; in 2010, Proposition 19 failed because California voters did not want to legalize marijuana, as stated in the Christian Science Monitor dated May 2012. . The affirmative argues that law enforcement should spend their days fighting something more important than drug users. I strongly disagree with this because of the evidence showing that drug users lead to harsher crimes . Allowing people to use drugs is telling the youth of California that it is okay to smoke weed. This could potentially turn otherwise respectable children into drug using, criminal adults. In the article by the American Academy of Pediatrics, â€Å"Legalization of Marijuana: Potential impact on youth† in 2004, the doctors state that legalization of marijuana would have a negative effect on youth because in would decrease the adolescents’ perceptions of risk and increase their exposure to the drug. In comparison to a Dutch study from 1984 to 1992, decriminalization increases marijuana use by adolescents because making marijuana legal makes it available. American manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco market their products to young people and marijuana would be the same.Marketing research shows that if only 1% of 15-19 year old Americans began using marijuana, there would be approximately 190,000 new users. B. Cure refutation 1. —The affirmative’s plan will not work for multiple reasons. Although some may use the drug for health benefits, it will cause more problems to society than help. The Office of National Drug Control Policy director, John Walters states that Marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs, immune system and contains cancer-causing compounds. It also impairs learning, memory, perception and judgment which are connected to car accidents and workplace accidents.It should not be legalized because it is too dangerous and causes severe health problems. In the article by Taxman and Thanner, â€Å"Risk, Need, and Responsivity† in Crime & Delinquency dated 2006, the authors agree that marijuana should not be legalized because 20% of the state drug offenders reported involvement with firearms and 24% of the state drug offenders had prior convictions for violent offenses.. Repeat offenders connected with weapons and violent offenses incur high costs; but keeping these criminals off of the streets is worth it. C. Cost-Benef its –There are 4 main disadvantages that could take place if we legalize marijuana: 1. Drug users throughout the general population may rise. 2. Many more people will be using firearm and could demonstrate violent behavior 3. More health damage than good could affect millions of people either as users or from second hand smoke 4. Moral and ethical values could be put in jeopardy III. Conclusion 1. California currently only allows medical marijuana users to legally purchase marijuana. If we allow all citizens to have access to this drug, we could potentially lead California down a very bad path.We would see far more crimes and cases of drug addiction. We do not want the future leaders and adults to think that it is politically or socially correct to use this drug. 2. It is clear from previous California elections that California’s people do not want the law to be changed. In order to keep the state safe, and healthy, it is crucial that marijuana is not legalized for rec reational use. Works Cited 1. Joffe, Alain and W. Samuel Yancy. â€Å"Legislation of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youth. † American Academy of Pediatrics. 113:6 (2004): 632-638. 2. Taxman, Faye and Meridith Thanner. Risk, Need and Responsivity. † Crime & Delinquency. 52:28 (2005): 28-51. 3. Weil, A. T. et. al. â€Å"Clinical and Psychological Effects of Marijuana in Man. † Science Magazine. 162:1234 (1968): 129-132. 4. Benson, John et. al. â€Å"Medical Marijuana – should marijuana be a medical option? † Neighborhood Link National Network. Retrieved from www. neighborhoodlink. com/article/Community/Medical_Marijuana. 5. Khatapoush, S. and D. Halifors. â€Å"Sending the Wrong Message: Did Medical Marijuana Legalization in California Change Attitudes about use of Marijuana? † Journal of Drug Issues. 34:4 (2012): 751-770.